Electroarthrography (EAG) is a method by which electrical signals produced by cartilage are measured non-invasively through electrodes placed on skin surrounding an articular joint, analogous to the collection of other bio-potentials such as electrocardiography. The electrical signals produced by cartilage result from the way this highly specialized tissue responds to weight bearing and are directly linked to cartilage quality. In our lab experiments on joint explants, we simulate joint loading and collect EAG measurements from 6 to 8 skin electrodes at one of 3 levels of load, then we open the joint to directly measure cartilage quality. The EAG measurements are influenced by cartilage quality as well as other factors like load level, contact area, and joint angle. In this multidisciplinary project, the student will develop a joint specific finite element model as well as participate in performing experiments as described above. The results from this study will contribute to development of EAG into a clinical methodology that may contribute to the diagnosis and treatment of degenerative joint diseases.
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